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The Fine Art Ledger Hits The Press

A Blue Bite press release dated December 10th, 2019 highlights the Fine Art Ledger‘s innovative blockchain and Near Field Communication (NFC) powered Fine Art platform.

In the release, Blue Bite says:

“...The Fine Art Ledger, the blockchain-driven fine art management platform, works with Blue Bite to deliver its fine art certificates of authenticity to artists, collectors, galleries and art fairs through NFC tags installed directly on the artwork frame...Blue Bite facilitates the creation and customization of "Fine Art Experiences," which include the blockchain record of the work. By tapping the artwork frame, art owners can easily register their works on The Fine Art Ledger, maintaining a digital, blockchain-authenticated catalog of their works and art information; they can also generate certificates of authenticity...“

A great intro to The Fine Art Ledger and its Fine-Art physical asset focused approach.

Using Blue Bite powered rolling authentication NFC tags, The Fine Art Ledger offers an un-paralleled fine art catalog and management system which is initiated and operated through the physical artwork, rather than a stand-alone application which is divorced from the art.

Fine Art asset management systems or applications allow users to catalog and inventory artwork, but generally through input of data to a system which has no direct, native electronic link to the artwork.

Since The Fine Art Ledger starts with a tap of the NFC tag fixed to the artwork, and instantly associates the artwork with the registration of the asset on to The Fine Art Ledger’s platform, the artwork, artist and art owner details are from the time of artwork registration tied to the physical asset, i.e., the artwork.

Once the artwork’s details are registered, the details are stamped into the blockchain, and cataloged in the user’s account on The Fine Art Ledger.

Here the user can set permissions as to who may view the artwork‘s Certificate of Authenticity (COA) on tap of the NFC tag attached to the physical artwork, and pull real-time printable COA‘s, reflecting the up-to-minute provenance and title status in the work.

A very useful feature when it comes to selling, insuring or borrowing against the artwork.

But it doesn’t stop there.

The Fine Art Ledger enables users to transfer their Fine Art Ledger registered artwork title, either completely, or through the use of non-fungible asset-based tokens, which we call ‘Art Title Tokens‘ or ‘ATT’, simply with the transferee’s email address.

And given the continued link between the blockchain record containing the artwork and title details, transferring a work on The Fine Art Ledger means that not only is the record transferEd to the transferee, but it’s link to the physical asset.

On transfer then, the work moves into The Fine Art Ledger catalog of the transferee, who may, on mobile phone tap of the artwork, push to his mobile phone a real-time COA verifying his Fine Art Ledger registered title and the provenance in the artwork.

The Fine Art Ledger, working with Blue Bite, is able to customized the ‘experience’ that the user gets when he taps the artwork.

This is dynamic content and can be customized to the gallery which sold the work, the framer that framed the artwork, the artist, or the art fair or show, and updated all remotely, without having to physically access the NFC tag, and all while the user is reminded of that gallery, framer, artist or show each time he taps the artwork.

We call these experiences ‘Mobile Fine Art Experiences™’ and they pack a punch.

Not only can they serve interactive experiences for the user, allowing her to get the background to the art, the artist, and to immerse in the story behind the art through video, images, similar works and information, but provides the artist, gallery, framer or show access to their customers and visitors, with each tap of the viewers mobile phone presenting opportunities to keep in touch, target-market and online purchase check-out viewers, whose presence in the gallery, frame store, art fair or other art space has previously, other than through a sign-in sheet or casually given business card, been lost.

Think of each physical artwork as being a beacon or a portal to a trove of information telling the story behind the artwork, and, in addition to the gallery, frame store, art fair, art studio or other space‘s online world.

The Fine Art Ledger’s founder, Sam Miller is quoted in the release:

“‘Not only does The Fine Art Ledger provide easy-to-use security, information, title and cataloging tools for the art owner,’... ‘It also provides remarkable opportunities to access and learn about fine art. Thanks to Blue Bite, we are able to deliver customized and rich interactive art experiences directly to people's phones to really engage and immerse them in art, which can only be an incredible boost for art lovers everywhere.’"

Improving and providing opportunities for access to Fine Art is what The Fine Art Ledger is about.

Getting our story out there is part of the journey and we are delighted to have been featured by Blue Bite as one of its partners, driving innovation together.

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